Making Peace With The End

Davidson Boswell
2 min readDec 13, 2021

I have been grappling a lot with the end recently. The end of art, the end of culture, the end of democracy, the end of civilization, and, finally, the end of mankind.

I think everyone, to an extent, feels that time is running short. There is a pall that has fallen over our collective self. Humanity has been torn apart by the designed algorithms of unfeeling tech billionaires who now seek to capitalize on our detachment and reassemble us inside an imaginary world called The Metaverse. In the absence of any organizing principle to society besides consumerism, the final step, logically, is to become a collection of data — a perpetual product to be swatted back and forth between the elites like a beach ball.

I don’t want this future, but I see no way to stop it. Congress, the President, and The Judiciary are completely bought by the Tech, Finance and Energy sector. As Chris Hedges says, “the corporate coup d’ etat is complete.”

So I try and make peace with this. I try to make peace with the outside world, through climate change, becoming completely uninhabitable during my life time. I try to make peace with the apathy of the boomer generation who will die just in time to avoid the most catastrophic consequences of their feckless hedonism and excess.

But I can not. So I sit and I wait for this collective death with a sense of hopelessness that calcifies every day.

The only thing that seems to help is to create and to feel happiness in the company of others. For now, It is enough to keep me going.

